Entrepreneurship and industrial policy
In October 2024, Ukraine’s progress in entrepreneurship and industrial policy slightly declined to 0.84 points, down from 0.95 points in September. For comparison, the most optimistic evaluations were recorded at the end of 2023—1.72 points in November and 1.34 points in December.
In October, the score for “Actual Legislative Changes” stood at 0.98 points. Experts evaluated with slight optimism the update of the resolution “On the Establishment of Regional Business Councils,” aimed at relaunching these advisory bodies. Meanwhile, the score for “Planned Legislative Changes” reached 0.9 points, reflecting the assessment of the draft Law on Veteran Entrepreneurship, the only significant planned legislative initiative in the sector for October.
The “Agenda Setting” score showed a slight increase, rising from 0.88 points in September to 0.97 points in October. The publication of the European Commission’s report on Ukraine’s progress toward the EU was assessed most optimistically by experts. However, the impact of this event was rated at only 1.12 points.
The “Implementation Status” continued to be rated at a low level—just 0.09 points (down from 0.59 points in September). Experts negatively assessed the pace of changes in the sector, giving it a score of -0.48 points, which influenced the overall evaluation of implementation status.
Overall, the results indicate that the pace of implementation remains insufficient.